What could be more exciting that releasing a new book? Forgotten Rebellion released on Nov 3, 2023 to rave reviews from fans! The first installment of the Seven Rivers Series follows the adventures of Crown Princess Tahlea as she fights to protect her land.
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Press Releases:

Dec 6, 2022
CONTACT: A. J. Park, 385-206-2301, ajparkwriting@gmail.com
Demons, Betrayal and a Magical Ring That Heals any Injury in this
Fantasy Adventure.
OGDEN, UT – December 6, 2022 – A new book release from Award-Winning Fantasy author A.J. Park provides a thrilling read. A girl possessing an enchanted ring flees from demons. She’s trying to reach the safety of a protected kingdom and its ruler, who needs her power to survive the attacks of his twin brother, who will stop at nothing to destroy him and his people.
In The Ring Keeper, author A.J. Park spins a gripping tale of betrayal, love and adventure.
Caught between twin brothers, one courting demons and sorcery, the other the ruler of an empire protected by magic, Ana bears a ring of unknown powers, her legacy from a mother she never knew.
Discovering the ring’s ability makes her both a valuable member of the emperor’s court and a target for abduction by his jealous brother. Soon Ana finds herself betrayed and kidnapped, ultimately held at the mercy of the emperor’s twin and his dark secrets.
The ring exposes a web of love, hatred and unimaginable betrayal. Though its power drains her life force, the fate of the empire depends on her ability to unlock the ring’s secrets. She must find the will and strength to use it, for its magic can save the lives of everyone Ana has come to love. Or it can destroy them completely…
This young-adult fantasy adventure follows the journey of 16-year-old Ana, as she runs for her life from pursuing demons. Two soldiers in the service of the Emperor of Sarine, Zarek and Dane, offer her their protection. As the pursuit grows more dangerous, they risk their lives to keep their commitment. Only discovering the hidden power of Ana’s ring will offer any hope of survival.
“I had a moment when I thought, if I die tomorrow, which of my stories would I most want to have published?” Park says. “The answer was The Ring Keeper, of course. This is a story I have loved through every step of the creation process. When I just want to escape into an imaginary world for a while, this is the book I read to myself.”
A.J. Park is the Award-Winning Author of War’s Ending. She brings her writing experience and her vivid story-telling to this new adventure. Her unique viewpoint and endless imagination bring this epic tale to life. In addition to her work as a novelist, she works for Connection Publishing, a print magazine company who partners with city governments to bring hyper-local content to their residents in Weber and Davis Counties. Her writing skills have created articles on a wide variety of subjects, and have been enjoyed by countless magazine readers. She is available for interviews.
The Ring Keeper (Emerald Lake Books, $21.99, ebook $4.99, 522 pages, 5.5 x 8.5, paperback and ebook, ISBN 9781945847622 trade paperback, 9781945847639 epub) is available at major online booksellers, or directly from the publisher at www.emeraldlakebooks.com/ajpark .
The Ring Keeper – https://www.ajparkwriting.com/newsroom/
A.J. Park – Picture available
The Ring Keeper – Available now on Amazon
Sample Chapter – Read the beginning
For more information visit ajparkwriting.com
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Contact: A. J. Park, 385-206-2301, ajparkwriting@gmail.com
February 10, 2021 Junction City Today’s Craig Beliek interviews Fantasy Author A.J. Park
August 1, 2020 A.J. Park Awarded Gold and Bronze Medals in 2020 President’s Book Awards.