I couldn’t decide which title was best for this story…
Port-a-loo, coming right at you!
Watch out! Flying port-a-potty!
The Loo that Flew…
A port-a-potty accident!
Apparently, a couple of days ago one of our aunties was driving down I-15. She moved in behind a truck hauling a trailer full of port-a-potties. Suddenly, one of the straps broke, and the last potty in line flew! She braked and swerved but “It was HOT on me!” It went right into her car.
I’m happy to report that she wasn’t hurt, and I know you’re all dying to know if the potty was empty? (Yes, thank goodness!)
Though the trailer was fully loaded, only one potty made the plunge. We are so grateful she is OK! Who wants to go that way?? We’re all worried when we see a port-a-potty about someone having an accident. Well, she did. An automotive accident.