Sometimes, the conditions are a little uncomfortable. Kind of like life.
Living in Utah means lots of dramatic changes in the weather. We’ve had some absolutely gorgeous sunny days, decadently warm for February, and some bitter cold snowy days with icy winter wind. The mountains still have a lot of snow. This hike was one of the warm days. Unlike the week before, when I got to the trailhead and mine was the only car in the parking lot.
The minute I opened the car door and a blast of artic wind hit me, I knew why. But I wasn’t going home without my hike, so I cinched my hood around my face, pulled my gloves up inside my jacket sleeves and started walking. My motto on days like that: “It’s only really bad for the first 15 minutes.” Well, that wind blasted at me nearly the whole way. Hopefully I was building character?
I’m busily editing away on Seven Rivers Book Two. I think you’re going to love it!